At Stanley Electric all employees conduct their operations
on a daily basis according to the Code of Conduct
Thorough compliance education
Percentage of employees who have taken the compliance lecture100%
Rate of compliance declarations
Signed by100% of employees
Declaration of Action
I shall strive to realize the Stanley Group Vision, shall recognize corporate social responsibility, and shall sincerely comply with all laws related to our business and company regulations. To prevent my behavior from going against corporate ethics and social norms, I shall always make it a point to be honest and fair, have high ethical standards and social common sense, and conduct myself as described below by following the motto "Good is good, and bad is bad--that is my yardstick for action."
- I shall fully understand the Stanley Group Code of Conduct, always have them at hand for reference, recognize that I am to conduct myself in accordance with them, keep all concerned parties informed about them, and preparing the company structure necessary for them.
- If I am or becomes aware of any act that violates or is likely to violate the Stanley Group Code of Conduct, I shall appropriately deal with it by way of my immediate manager, by consulting the Corporate Ethics Committee directly, or by reporting it to the Corporate Ethics Improvement Proposal Office.
- If there is or occurs a violation of the Stanley Group Code of Conduct, I shall take the initiative to solve the problem; find its cause; clarify where the responsibility lies; punish those involved, including myself; and shall make my best effort to prevent a recurrence of same or similar violation.
Stanley Group's Code of Conduct
1. Compliance with Laws and Social Norms
Compliance with Laws and so forth
I shall understand correctly all laws and regulations related to our business activities and shall sincerely comply with them. I shall comply with internal rules, including company regulations, and handle my business in a strict and appropriate manner.
Appropriate Decision Making, Recording, and Reporting
I shall make appropriate decisions in accordance with company regulations and properly carry out all recording and reporting that should be made by the company.
Prohibition of Private Profit-Making Activities and Effective Use of the Company's Assets
I shall strictly refrain from any activity in which I will gain private profit, and shall strive to use the company's assets effectively.
Continuation of Appropriate Relations with the Political and Administrative Agencies
I shall never offer illegal political donations, profits, or bribes.
Proper Response to Antisocial Entities
I shall not have any relations with any antisocial entities.
2. Establishing a Safe Working Environment
Establishing a Safe, Sound, and Better Working Environment for Employees
I shall endeavor to establish a safe and better working environment where employees are eager to work.
3. Business Activities That Contribute to Society
Creation of New Value through a Challenging Spirit, Unrestrained Thinking, and the Concentration of Mind and Power
I shall create new value which will contribute to society by understanding correctly the Guidelines for Action in the Stanley Group Vision and always practice them.
Gaining the Customer's Trust
I shall develop business activities in order to keep gaining the trust of all customers, including end users.
Fair Dealing
I shall engage in fair and sound dealings.
Appropriate Control of Information
I shall appropriately control confidential information in accordance with company regulations and so forth.
Obtaining the Understanding and Support from Shareholders, Investors and so forth
I shall disclose correct information on an equitable and timely basis, and endeavor to obtain the understanding and support from shareholders, investors and so forth.
Respect for Intellectual Property
I shall respect the results of intellectual creative activities and endeavor to protect intellectual property and the rights accompanying thereto.
4. Consideration towards People and the Natural Environment
Respect for Human Rights
I shall view everyone in the world as equal, treat them with the courtesy as same "human", and respect their characters and personalities.
I shall not violate human rights in the working environment, including slave labor, forced labor, and child labor.
Consideration to the Natural Environment
I shall voluntarily and proactively contribute to the protection of the natural environment.
5. Communication and Symbiosis with Society
Appropriate Relationship with the International Community
As a member of a global company, I shall adhere to the rules of the international community, promote harmonious relations with different cultures and customs, and endeavor to contribute to the development of other countries.
Symbiosis with the Local Community and Contributions to Society
I shall endeavor to live symbiotically with the local community and contribute to society.